Thursday, April 24, 2008

Need to not get frustrated.

I remember when I was in kindergarten (yes its was a long, long, long, time ago but I am not senile yet). It was fun. Lots of fun. I learned all my letters and numbers and few other little things.

It is not like that anymore. Isaiah is expected to be reading by the end of the year (6 weeks to go). Well he had a weak pre-school situation and didn't go into school knowing as much as maybe he could. I did not worry about it, because I remembered just a few years ago a teacher telling my mother (when one of my young siblings started school) that they will teach them all the need to know and that if she worked on following directions that was the biggest help.

Isaiah does read. He can read pretty well now. Its that he doesn't always want to. Last night I am not sure if he just wanted to keep prolonging bed time, or he was getting attention or what, but it was hard. He would sound out a word over and over again and not put it together. Fine so daddy told him what it should have been. Next page same word, same situation. He was not paying attention or just being silly. So Allen said lets put the book up we can read more tomorrow. Then Isaiah bust out into tears. It was late he needed sleep. I think we are going to get a timer and see if that helps.

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